Vaccination for children from Ukraine living in Slovakia
Vaccination options for children The Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic has prepared a series of informative videos on vaccination options available for children. The videos are intended for parents who have come to Slovakia with their children and would like to continue vaccination or possibly supplement the vaccination they did not manage to […]
Mental health support

Psychological help You can get free and anonymous psychological help in the Ukrainian or Slovak language. Helplines are intended for people or their relatives who have found themselves in a crisis situation as a result of the war in Ukraine. The crisis helpline Human in Need / IPčko counseling centre 0800 500 888ukrajina@ipcko.skEvery day 8:00 – […]
Help Centre. A place where they help you familiarise yourself with life in Slovakia.

The first stop upon your arrival in Slovakia.
Healthcare. How it works and what services are available for foreigners in Slovakia.

When do you have free healthcare and when do you have to pay for it?
Useful contacts

Emergency lines 112 – European emergency number 155 – Medical emergency service 158 – Police 159 – Municipal police 150 – Firemen 0800 800 818 – National helpline for victims of human trafficking Assistance to foreigners Human Rights LeagueTel: +421 800 222 350Monday – Friday, except public holidays: 9:00 – MareenaTel: +421 948 113 […]