Travel Health Clinic

Description If the authorities in Slovakia require a confirmation that you do not suffer from a disease that threatens public health (infections, foreign diseases, new highly dangerous diseases and other communicable diseases) from you, visit our clinic. Our specialized doctors will explain all procedures and perform necessary medical examinations. Based on the examinations, we will […]
Slovak Humanitarian Council – Blue Dot Nitra

Description Blue Dot – Space for children and families The Slovak Humanitarian Council in cooperation with UNHCR and UNICEF created the Blue Dot Safe Space – Protection and Support Centres for Refugees. In Blue Dot, you can get the necessary information, support and referrals for health care, education, psychosocial support and more – all in […]

Language courses, workshops, volunteering, raising awareness and community centres.
Úsmev ako dar

Social accompanying, free time activities, scholarships and humanitarian aid.
Agentúra TOP preklady

Certified translations of official documents and professional interpretation.
Blue Dot COMIN in Nitra

Classes and leisure activities for children, community centre and material aid.
IPčko – A safe place for young people – Machovisko Club, FLEK Club, KREATE Club, ID Club and CONNECT Club

Discussions, concerts, creative activities, workshops and therapeutic activities.