Domka – Salesian Youth Association

Community centreEducationFor kidsFor YouthFree time activitiesLanguage courses
Languages spoken: Slovensky, Українська


Domka – Salesian Youth Association is a civic association with a national scope of activity. It is one of the largest youth organisations in Slovakia with more than 8,000 members, mainly children and young people aged 6-30. The association offers children and young people not only a meaningful use of their free time, but above all friendly relations, a family atmosphere, the opportunity for personal development and much more.

Interesting and recreational activities for children

Children can participate in music, movement and creative clubs.

Location: Miletičova 7, 821 08 Bratislava (Show on map)

Slovak Language Course

We offer regular Slovak language courses for beginners and advanced learners.

Location: Saleziánske dielo na Trnávke, Nerudova 10, 821 04 Bratislava (Show on map).

Playroom for Ukrainian children and their mothers

Every Friday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. there is a playroom for Ukrainian children with their mothers. During the playroom the mothers can use the opportunity to have a conversation in Slovak.

For all detailed information, please call: +421 903 940 242

Location: Domka Centre, Miletičova 7, 821 08 Bratislava (Show on map)


  • Services are not available on public holidays.
  • Services are for people from Ukraine.
  • Services are provided by female staff as well.
  • There are separate and easily accessible toilets for men and women.
  • It is necessary to make an appointment in advance – by e-mail.
  • The entrance is barrier-free.
  • Services are free of charge.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday – 9:00 to 16:00

tel: 0902 268 898
Instagram: @ua_domka


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