Domka – Salesian Youth Association

Description Domka – Salesian Youth Association is a civic association with a national scope of activity. It is one of the largest youth organisations in Slovakia with more than 8,000 members, mainly children and young people aged 6-30. The association offers children and young people not only a meaningful use of their free time, but […]

ConnectTT – support centre for foreigners arriving and living in Trnava

Description The City of Trnava has established ConnectTT – a support centre for foreigners arriving and living in Trnava. Language and educational courses We help you to find suitable language and educational courses to improve your language skills and gain new knowledge. Up-skilling and retraining courses  We provide information on courses for up-skilling and retraining. […]

Diocesan Charity in Žilina

Centrum podpory Diecúzna charita Žilina Logo

Description Support centre for people from Ukraine We offer: Courses and education Psychosocial support Social counselling and guidance Creative workshops Education centre People from the Slovak and Ukrainian communities meet in the education centre. Come and take part in our joint educational courses and creative workshop. Psychological help for families and children We help individuals, […]

Inklucentrum – Centre for Inclusive Education


Description We provide field psycho-social and language support in schools in Bratislava. We provide language support to all children of foreigners at selected primary schools and at the newly-opened Inclusive Language Centre in Bratislava. Teachers and psychologists from Ukraine visit schools in Bratislava that educate a large number of children from Ukraine. We perform activities […]

Žilina Self-Governing Region

Žilinský samosprávny kraj

Description Culture Libraries help expatriates from Ukraine by sharing information. Visit one of our libraries: Krajská knižnica v Žiline Kysucká knižnica v Čadci Turčianska knižnica v Martine Oravská knižnica Antona Habovštiaka, Dolný Kubín Liptovská knižnica GFB, Liptovský Mikuláš Social care We provide social services, free counselling and accommodation in our social services homes and school […]


Language courses, workshops, volunteering, raising awareness and community centres.

You Too in IT

Scholarship for women from Ukraine and a free IT training course.

Trenčín helps Ukraine

Food, hygiene kits, clothes, counselling, Slovak language courses and free time activities.

DofE Slovakia – SPOT

Leisure centre for young people, sports activities, workshops, film screening and a tea room.

Slovak Catholic Charity – Revúca Support Centre

Description The community centre provides clothing, food, hygiene items, toys, school supplies and the like. Assistance in finding accommodation, with health care, psychological and legal assistance (also in the Ukrainian language). Assistance in dealing with official matters and filling out forms (also in the Ukrainian language). Free Slovak language courses. Details