Diocesan Charity in Žilina

Centrum podpory Diecúzna charita Žilina Logo

Description Support centre for people from Ukraine We offer: Courses and education Psychosocial support Social counselling and guidance Creative workshops Education centre People from the Slovak and Ukrainian communities meet in the education centre. Come and take part in our joint educational courses and creative workshop. Psychological help for families and children We help individuals, […]

Inklucentrum – Centre for Inclusive Education


Description We provide field psycho-social and language support in schools in Bratislava. We provide language support to all children of foreigners at selected primary schools and at the newly-opened Inclusive Language Centre in Bratislava. Teachers and psychologists from Ukraine visit schools in Bratislava that educate a large number of children from Ukraine. We perform activities […]



Description Counselling for women and their children Professional counselling by phone, e-mail or in person for women and their children experiencing violence in a partner relationship. We provide specialized social and crisis counselling aimed at restoring a sense of security, stopping violence while respecting the woman’s decisions or leaving a violent relationship. Meetings take place […]

Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR)


Description The Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR) also provides support to citizens of Ukraine and their family members who have a document of tolerated residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic marked “Ukrainian immigrant”. The following are considered a family member of a Ukrainian citizen: husband and wife (they do not […]

Mental Health League

Liga za duševné zdravie

Description Psychosocial care We provide psychosocial care and support for people from Ukraine. Gender-based violence project The Gender Based Violence Project aims to raise awareness on women’s health while helping specific cases of gender based violence specifically as needed. The main principles of the project are anonymity, confidentiality, non-judgement, client-orientation and an effort to provide […]

Žilina Self-Governing Region

Žilinský samosprávny kraj

Description Culture Libraries help expatriates from Ukraine by sharing information. Visit one of our libraries: Krajská knižnica v Žiline Kysucká knižnica v Čadci Turčianska knižnica v Martine Oravská knižnica Antona Habovštiaka, Dolný Kubín Liptovská knižnica GFB, Liptovský Mikuláš Social care We provide social services, free counselling and accommodation in our social services homes and school […]



Description Individual psychological counselling and therapy for children and families Psychological counselling and therapy are provided by Natália Shtefanek, a psychologist, who speaks Slovak and Ukrainian. You can agree on the frequency of meetings as needed (for example, once a week, once a month). We provide counselling in person in Bratislava, by phone or online. […]

Domček Help Centre


Description Material aid We offer essential clothing and footwear – max. 5 pieces free of charge, more than 5 pieces for a symbolic contribution of 0.30 euros. We offer food and hygiene supplies according to current possibilities and stocks – free of charge. Social counselling We will help you in dealing with official matters and […]

Slovak Humanitarian Council – Blue Dot Nitra

Description Blue Dot – Space for children and families The Slovak Humanitarian Council in cooperation with UNHCR and UNICEF created the Blue Dot Safe Space – Protection and Support Centres for Refugees. In Blue Dot, you can get the necessary information, support and referrals for health care, education, psychosocial support and more – all in […]

Úsmev ako dar

Social accompanying, free time activities, scholarships and humanitarian aid.